In order to keep your payments secure, Alex Miller Wellness has partnered with Clickbank!

Please remember, when you see the charge on your statement from CLKBANK*COM<RECEIPT ID>, it’s an approved payment from our team, and has been securely processed by our trusted partner.

Alex miller

Contact Us


For product support or information, please email us at

For assistance with an order, or to process a refund please contact our trusted payment processor Clickbank:

Toll Free: 1-800-390-6035  |  International: +1 208-345-4245  |

5940 S Rainbow Blvd Ste 400 #45247 Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-2507


We’re always looking for ways to improve our products and bring you the most impactful and seamless experience possible. We’ve been able to make some incredible changes, all thanks to the clients that have gone out of their way to message us with their feedback and suggestions.

Please know that your constructive comments are welcome and we invite you to leave them right here with us.


When you begin to notice the benefits of our programs the quality of your life is going to improve. This is why we do what we do – so women all over the world can feel better in their bodies and live happier, fuller lives!

Unfortunately, there are women still missing out on the life changing benefits of our program, simply because they are skeptical or they don’t believe it could work for them. This is where we could really use your help!

If you’d be willing to share your story, either through video call with our very own Alex Miller; in writing, or through a positive review on Facebook – we’d be forever grateful!