Want to have a one-on-one call with Alex?

Hey Pelvic Floor Strong Community!

My goal with Pelvic Floor Strong is to help as many women as possible heal their bodies…but I can’t do it alone. I NEED your help and a testimonial about your experience would be the perfect way. 🙂

Let’s hang out for 30 minutes!

Here’s how it will work…

Before I hit record, we can spend some time getting to know eachother better. You can ask me any questions you may have about your body and the program. 

After that, I will start recording our conversation (I’ll let you know before I hit record). I will ask you a series of questions about your experience so far. 

I will use this recording in my marketing to show women (just like yourself) that it IS possible to heal your body naturally. 🙂

If you are interested or have any questions please reply back to this email and either myself or my customer service team will be happy to help you. 

In health and happiness,